The Raven IQ test - known more formally as Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM) - refers to a nonverbal test that aims to measure an individual's intelligence and abstract reasoning. In other words, it specifically tests for general intelligence, but has a degree of inclination in its focus on fluid intelligence.
Raven's Matrices are widely used in differed areas and it's results are widely recognized among specialists
The test is evenly accessible for people regardless of their language, reading abilities, or academic background
The test was developed by John Raven in 1936 and since then is known for its accuracy and unbiased results
The test takes about 20 minutes to complete and takes a moment for the result to be calculated
Test Instructions
Now you will be offered a series of graphic drawings. There are 60 of them in total, they are grouped into 5 sets.
On each individual figure in the upper half of the sheet there is a rectangle that has a certain background or component elements (shapes) interconnected by some kind of dependence. In the lower right corner of the rectangle there is a cutout - a free, empty space.
Under the rectangle there are 2 rows of fragments (six or eight), which, in shape and size, exactly fit the cutout of the rectangle. Each proposed fragment has a different pattern.
Your task is to find in a number of fragments one that would fit exactly into the free space. The prerequisite for a correct decision is a logical reasoning about the law according to which the drawing is drawn in the rectangle, the empty space in which you must fill.
Time to solve 60 tasks is limited to 20 minutes. Do not linger on the first tasks of the test, as their complexity increases all the time.
Submitting your result
Calculating IQ score
Generating certificate
Selecting assessment option
Minimalistic plan if you just want to view the result
IQ Assessment
Preferred option for most users. Issues result certificate with permanent link
IQ Assessment
Permanent result link
Raven's IQ Certificate
Provides IQ assessment as well as permanent shareable result link